Saturday, July 28, 2007

My Stories

I began writing a story a few years ago about life after death and I'll be darned if I can find it. I've said before that I'm not a religious person but I believe strongly that we were not put on this earth to exist only for a day or even 100 years. Eternity is not fiction.

Since I couldn't find my old drafts I decided to begin from scratch and it's interesting (at least to me) that the drive to write such a story coincides with the terminal illness of two people close to me. My friend passed away two days ago and my son-in-law has very little time left.

Occasionally I write a story that makes me very proud of it's quality but I'm not getting the same satisfaction with this new one. There's a lot of improvement to be made but this is a blog and not a story being presented to a publisher so I'll continue writing it in my own way, good or not, because it is cathartic.

Life after death should be a concern to all of us because we're all going to pass out of this human life one day. You don't have to be a church goer to have beliefs and hopes for the hereafter and I have my own theories. I believe we go on to another dimension of life but one where there is no evil. I definitely don't want to come back to this earth where there is so much cruelty and unfairness. I want peace and that's the way I see life after death.

On my husband's burial niche there is a brass plaque that reads, "Gone Sailing". That was his passion and I've always hoped that, in his afterlife, he gets to do all the things that made him happy.

I'm a big fan of "being happy" because it includes all the good in life. We're here such a relatively short time so I hope the real payoff comes during eternity. Just eternity of happiness, peace, and goodness. I hope my friend is there now.

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