Sunday, July 29, 2007

Dinner With the Girls

I had a lovely late evening dinner last night with my three daughters and oldest granddaughter. We seldom have the opportunity to do this because of distance, commitments, or the addition of other family members so it was pretty special for me.

I love to watch the interaction between my three girls because they enjoy each other so much. The love between them is palpable and I'm so thankful they have such a strong relationship.

The attention right now is on Kim, the oldest, because her husband is very ill but there are many facets to our lives and the conversation wasn't always sad. It was apparent that Aeron, my granddaughter was enjoying herself immensely. She's 17 and often the butt of their jokes but they shower a lot of love on her at the same time. It's somewhat like a rite of passage and she's slowly being initiated into their club, to become a full member when she reaches full adulthood.

I sat thinking back to the days when they were conceived and thought how the love of one man and one woman created this picture before me. The only females missing were my youngest daughter's two girls. One day we plan to have a "girls" day and go to Niagara-on-the-Lake so if you are there and see 3 lovely ladies, 3 gorgeous teenage girls, and 1 darned proud old lady, that's us.

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