Sunday, July 29, 2007

We were the Show at the Mall Today

I always find something to write about when I go to the mall on Sunday to have coffee with my sister but today I think we were the show.

Shelley, my youngest, met us there and it was a nice reunion between her and my sister because they haven't seen each other in two years. We're a close family and my sister is like another mother to my kids.

Shelley's family is still in Argentina but they're keeping in touch by cell phone (can that be as expensive as I think??) and she received a call from them while we were at the mall. Today is her youngest daughter's fifteenth birthday so the three of us gathered close to the phone and sang "Happy Birthday" to her. I don't care how much noise there is in the food court at the mall you still can't sing Happy Birthday quietly enough to go unnoticed.

Sharon's husband, Jim, also came over to join us so he could see Shelley and the four of us sat there for quite a while yakking and laughing. There's something very satisfying about even a little family get-together like this one.

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