Friday, July 20, 2007

To Sleep or not to Sleep

The last few nights have been warm so I've left the bedroom window wide open. I hate turning on the air conditioning but with the window open and the ceiling fan on it's very comfortable. The new problem on the block is that my drug dealing neighbor now has a big dog that goes outside when DDN's friends leave in the wee hours of the morning.

I'd just dropped off to sleep when I heard the damn dog barking. There was the usual noise of people talking, albeit quieter than normal, and cars driving away but that big dog has a big bark. I couldn't help but think about when I dogsat my daughter's yappy little dogs and wouldn't think of letting them out in the middle of the night because I didn't want to disturb the neighbors. DDN has no such compunctions.

Luckily I was able to fall back to sleep quickly which is a real blessing for me. I'm beginning to think that the only quiet time on my street is during the winter when the house is closed up and I'm gone.

1 comment:

bluebird of paradise said...

hi pat
i've been so busy with work i haven't checked my favourite blogs for a while. i just read on shelley's that david isnt' well. i am so sorry and will be praying and sending out good thoughts to whoever runs the universe. i could say he/she isn't doing such a great job.
hope you are okay and getting some sleep.