Thursday, July 05, 2007

"White Trash With Money"

Even if I wasn't a Toby Keith fan I'd still buy this CD because I think the title is wonderful. I've got a bid on it on Ebay right now so wish me luck!

I identify with that title...not that I have money but that my background could be considered white trash. My family was quite poor but they were working people. It takes a strong, proud individual to slave for 40-50 hours a week for ridiculously low wages and I'm damned proud of their labors.

I've got news for all those people who spend our tax dollars year after year delving into the effects of poverty on children. If their parents keep a clean house, feed them half way decent food, and don't abuse them, the children will probably grow up happier and healthier than rich kids.

When you come from a "white trash" background you have nowhere to go but up. You will always be aware that if you don't work hard and make the right choices you could drop back down again but, if that should happen, you'd survive. Put a person who was born into money in the same situation and it would swallow them up.

Having to struggle in your life makes you a stronger person just by virtue of making you work harder to overcome a hardship.

One of the mistakes that parents make with their children is to give them too much instead of making them earn it. We all want our children to have an easier life than we did but remember that half the fun is getting there.

I may have grown up "white trash" but the lessons I learned along the way have made me a survivor. And now I have a couple of bucks in the bank to pay for my new CD.

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