Saturday, August 18, 2007

Blessed Saturday

Saturdays are special. It is the day of the week that we, employed and retired alike, get those odd jobs done...the ones we've put off until we had just a little extra time.

About 4-5 years ago my husband built an arbor at the back of the yard to grow what my Chinese neighbor called "long squash". It was a joy to behold as the vines of the long squash (also provided by our neighbor) grew up and along the arbor and the fruit began to grow, and grow, and grow. We had squash almost 5' long.

Dennis built the arbor out of untreated wood for some reason and this year it began to list. I haven't grown the long squash since he passed away so I really have no use for the arbor anymore and decided to tear it down.

It pulled out of the ground easily because the wood underground was rotted away. Then I used a hammer to knock the side and top supports off. The heavier frame was screwed together and I can't believe I found the right screwdriver for the job on my first trip to the workroom. I think my husband used an electric screwdriver because the screws were deeply imbedded in the wood and I had to use some muscle (LOL!) to get them out. All the pieces were tossed behind the tool shed but I plan to hire someone to cart all the junk behind there away some day.

Then I got a pail full of good soil, added half a bag of grass seed, and reseeded the bare spots left behind. As the water sprinkler arched back and forth, I sat on a lawn chair with my feet up and a can of Diet Pepsi in my hand and hoped the seed would grow into lucious green grass before the birds ate it all.

Saturday job done.

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