Saturday, August 18, 2007

Casinoing Again

Yesterday I had a choice of cleaning windows or going to the casino. I thought long and hard for about 2 seconds and locked up the house with the dirty windows and headed for the casino.

I love the atmosphere of the casino. Lights are bright, people are too busy at their chosen machine to notice your presence (somewhat like a government office), and there is hope in the air.

I talk to people who sit beside me but only if they speak first. Yesterday was really interesting. At my age I can carry on long, silly conversations with younger men because there's no worry that by talking to them I'm giving them the impression I'm looking for a date. I'm more careful with men my own age, although they probably don't know they're my age and think they're just being nice to an older woman.

I sat between 2 younger men yesterday and we joked for about an hour. One man finally left his machine in disgust after putting $500 into it. I felt sorry for him but couldn't get over how crazy we gamblers can be. Think of what $500 can buy you in the real world!

I had a good paying machine at one time that kept me in my seat for about an hour and a half but I had to leave it because I had to go to the bathroom. I hate waste so I told the elderly lady next to me that my machine was paying well and she took it over when I left. I love to see other people win, too. I hope it continued to do well for her.

I overheard one lady with a strong American accent saying to someone applauding her big win. "But it's in Canadian dollars!", she said. I would have been happy with a win that paid in food stamps.

There were a lot of seniors at the casino which is a testament to our lucrative pension plans. I don't think many of us go to the casino expecting to win big bucks but just to enjoy the excitement generated every time we gamble a coin.

I lost all my money and came back home. The windows are still dirty.

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