Friday, August 17, 2007

Home Decorating Shows

I have a weakness for watching home decorating shows although I rarely follow their advice. When I had the basement redone I did get a little wild and had the top half of the walls painted red. It looks good, actually, but I couldn't live with it in the upstairs rooms. I like light and that's all there is to it.

I've noticed that decorators like to paint rooms the opposite to what they are presently. If they're light, they go dark and vice versa. Another thing decorators like to do is to take away ceiling fans. I can't figure this out because the fans are there for a purpose. I also like ceiling fans.

On some of the shows I'm aghast because the decorating techniques are obvious dust catchers. Once they glued straw (hay) all over a bedroom wall. Another time they glued small silk flowers all over a bathroom wall. You can't do that!!

One thing I've learned from these shows is that the minimalist look will sell a house faster than one cluttered with the usual stuff of everyday life. I'm so far away from the minimalist look it's pathetic.

My sister-in-law, Joyce, has one of the best decorated homes in the family and she follows only her own code of ethics. Her home is almost minimalist, spotless clean, and homey at the same time. Maybe she should have been a decorator.

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