Wednesday, August 08, 2007


My oldest grandson and his wife got me a great card for my birthday. It was obviously written by someone who was a Gramma or who understood what being a Gramma means.

The Top Ten Reasons Kids Need a Grandmother

10. Who else would even think of boasting about you to strangers?

9. Moms don't always respond positively to "Can I have that? Can I?"

8. "Over the river and through the woods to COUSIN SUE'S house
we go" just doesn't have the same ring to it.

7. No one else's place is more fun to visit.

6. Neat stories about the old days without that pesky "reading a
history book" thing.

5. Who hugs better?

4. A grandmother always knows when to put down what she's
doing and just listen.

3. Who else always makes sure to have your favorite treat on hand?

2. Moms and Dads tend not to tell embarrassing stories about

#1. How else would we understand what unconditional love is?

To all the Grammas out there...every word is true, isn't it???

1 comment:

bluebird of paradise said...

oh dear ! i forgot your birthday. hope it was a lovely one. and i hope amid all the sorrow, you get to enjoy your beautiful grand children. i just know they think you are the perfect grandma.