Sunday, August 26, 2007

John Couey

John Couey has just been sentenced to death for the kidnapping, rape, and murder of a 9 year old little girl, Jessica Lundsford. I haven't followed the trial closely because the evidence against this monster was horrendous but I did watch the sentencing yesterday on T.V. One of the things Couey said in his defence was that "this sort of thing happens every day".

Is this a world where the rape and torture of a child is happening every day? If it is then we are all lost souls because we, the vast majority, haven't taken steps to stop it. Any person who would physically harm a defenceless child should never have the opportunity to do it again. They should be imprisoned for the rest of their lives and the cost in dollars should be worth the peace of mind to taxpayers.

So many of these child predators blame their own damaged childhood for their perversions but that is bull....! We are the masters of our own destiny and regardless of what happened in our past we can choose to do better. Child molesters choose to destroy a child.

John Couey is a lost soul with no chance of redemption and executing him will only make certain that he won't kill any more children. If he hadn't killed little Jessica he would have been back out on the streets within a few years and more children would have suffered.

Isn't it sad that our laws are so ineffective that it took the loss of Jessica's young life to stop John Couey from re-offending?

I admire the dignified way in which Jessica's father has conducted himself but, if it weren't for police protection, there would have been many people beating Couey to a bloody pulp for what he did to that poor child. Sometimes vigilante justice is warranted.

I haven't voted in a long time because I've lost faith in our politicians but I've decide to cast my vote for the first person who will see that child molesters are removed from society second chances. And I'll watch closely to see if they follow through with their promise.

To the bleeding heart liberals who believe child molesters can be rehabilitated...molesters don't deserve a second chance whether they decide to control themselves or not. The damage they do the first time (and remember that they've probably molested many children before they're ever caught!) has rendered them unfit for society.

Couey's mind must be a cesspool so he's living in his own personal hell right now. Unfortunately, there will be hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars spent trying to stop his execution. Lawyers on both sides will waste their limited time and resources on this man. If just a fraction of this energy and commitment was spent revising laws to keep molesters behind bars maybe our children would be able to safely play on the streets again.

Won't we ever learn?

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