Thursday, August 30, 2007

Money Spent on Books is Well Spent

My sister-in-law, Faye, and I went out for lunch today and then to Chapters (book store). She was on a hunt for three particular books, found none of them, but bought five books anyway. I wanted any book that explained carbohydrates to me in detail.

Chapters is a wonderful store. There are chairs to sit on and leisurely check through the books carefully before you spend money on them. There is a Starbuck's coffee section if you have a strong enough stomach to drink that awful stuff (they should have a Tim Horton's in there instead). I gathered up about a half dozen books on diabetes and carbohydrates and scanned them carefully before finding the ideal one for me.

I'd been confused about the number of carbohydrates I'm allowed to eat in a day (mistakenly thought 50 but it turns out I can have about wonder I've been worried). The book I ended up with..."Healing Gourmet, Eat to Beat Diabetes" full of information I need. It lists the carbs, fats, cholesterol, protein, and sodium allowed in 1200, 1600, and 2000 calorie diets with sample menus. It also has a glycemic index that clears up that mystery for me. I love this book.

Understand that I don't have diabetes yet but it's looming on the horizon whether I change my eating habits or not. I'm just trying to get a jump on learning how to eat healthier before I have no choice. From what I've learned so far, this is what every human being should do from birth.

I'm too cheap to buy brand new fiction books like Faye did but I didn't begrudge the $22.95 Cdn this book cost me. Well, maybe a little, but it really was money well spent.

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