Saturday, September 08, 2007

Doggy Kennel

I'm going to be taking care of my daughter's little Jack Russells while she's on holidays but I insisted on her getting one of those wire kennels so they can sleep in it. The last time I looked after them someone peed on the hallway floor in the middle of the night and it wasn't me. Neither one of them would own up to it, either.

They are the yappiest dogs but they're really cute. I'm going to make an effort to train them. I saw a dog trainer on T.V. and he trained 2 out-of-control Jack Russells during a half hour show so I'm hoping I can make some headway in the two weeks I'll have Bailey and Baker.

My neighbor just rescued the cutest little poodly dog from the pound and it's got me wanting my own again. They really are wonderful company and a joy to have around if they're well trained. Maybe two weeks with B and B will make me change my mind again!

1 comment:

Kim said...

I doubt it will change your mind, you loved them way too much last time you had them. And...good luck with that training thing! :)