Saturday, September 29, 2007

Thank You, God

The little girl whose photo has been distributed by the press after a child porn tape was discovered has been found. She's 7 years old now so that means she was only 3 years old when she was molested. The information so far received is that the molester was a friend of the family and they had no idea what had happened. The little girl appears fine...but inside her mind and her heart she'll always carry the scars of her ordeal.

A lot of good people, men and women, worked diligently to find this child and make sure she was safe. They are what human beings should be. The molester is an abhorrent piece of garbage.

Legislators should keep the picture of that little girl's angelic 3 year old face in front of them. Maybe a constant reminder of her total innocence and helplessness will prod them to pass strong laws removing pedophiles from society forever.

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