Thursday, November 22, 2007

American Thanksgiving

Today is the American Thanksgiving. Most of us will take for granted that it's just another holiday where we'll gorge ourselves on a specially large and festive meal but not me. I know how much I have to be thankful for this year.

My daughter, Kim, was in a car accident on October 23rd which left her with a severely broken foot. Surgery was required to put it all together again and she'll have a long, long period of therapy to bring her mobility back to near normal. But I am thankful beyond words that she wasn't killed in that accident.

Life is tenuous at best and none of us can ever know for sure where the next moment will find us. Some people scoff at those of us who constantly say our goodbye's with the added, "I love you", but we can't be positive that we'll have another chance to say those words. A hug, a kiss, and a declaration of love can heal the world.

I'm so thankful for my 3 precious daughters who have grown into darned good human beings. I'm thankful for the precious grandchildren they've given me. And I'm thankful for this new day which will be filled with friends, laughter, and , yes indeed, a dinner plate full of turkey with all the trimmings.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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