Wednesday, November 21, 2007


I have 2 lizards in my trailer. At least 2 that I know about!! Now I'm a lady who detests bugs in the house and it's difficult for me to come to terms with the fact that a couple of little creatures larger than most bugs are lurking somewhere under the furniture or curtains in this quite tiny little trailer. I'm not afraid of them but if one ever dared land on me I just might have heart failure.

Heaven knows how they get in but it's common here in Florida...and I've never heard of one touching a human being because they're really quite timid. With my luck, though, one will accidently walk across my face while I'm sleeping and that would snuff my life out as quickly as a knife in the heart.

Life really is full of perils, isn't it?

1 comment:

bluebird of paradise said...

keep them! they'll eat the bugs , so you won't have to spray toxins in your home.........
in tobago people cherished lizards in the home as they kept the cockroaches under control