Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Carole's Trailer

My friend, Carole, bought an old trailer here in the park and has spent almost every waking moment for the past 2 days cleaning it. She's been scrubbing from the ceiling to the floor in every room and finding some interesting things along the way. Under the bathroom sink is a little nest of weird looking fungus. It's kind of mustard colored and no-one here has ever seen anything like it. That's the trouble with being a northerner in the south because we don't recognize some of the perils. This stuff certainly looks like a "peril" and we need to find out exactly what it is. Our plan is to ask the pest control man because we figure he's seen everything. Also, he's a Floridian.

Carole paid Florida Power to turn on her electricity so her room lights are working. Unfortunately, her air conditioner isn't. Today she enlisted the help of 2 neighbor men who tracked the power line from her air conditioner across 2 lot lines until they traced it to a meter. The power in that meter wasn't turned on so how come she has lights??? The meter is hers, though.

Now her air conditioner is working but we don't know who is paying for the power to the rest of the trailer. Oh, the mysteries of life in a trailer park.

A friend of mine bought a trailer here a couple of years ago and was told by the previous owner that he got free cable T.V. and had for many years. Sure enough, my friend also got free cable T.V. but her conscience bothered her too much and she notified the cable company and she now pays for her cable T.V. She's a better person than I am.

This park began as a campground many, many years ago so the underground plumbing and wiring is archaic. This could explain the strange electrical system in Carole's trailer.

One thing I've discovered in this park is that these trailers are more darn trouble than a brick house. They're flimsily made so we can't expect too much from them. Regardless, I love every moment of being here in my little dollhouse (which happens to have a leak that we're trying to trace). I wouldn't give it up for a half million dollar house in a boring gated community. And that's the truth!

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