Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Cold in Florida

I've been talking to or e-mailing my family back in Canada and they aren't even a tiny bit impressed with the cold spell we're having in Florida. Truthfully, it's the cold spells we have that give me a chance to get some work done inside the trailer. When it's sunny and warm/hot, I want to be outside and preferably at the pool.

Yesterday I had my Monday morning coffee group over and we stayed indoors because of the cold. When they all left I began making my livingroom curtains and that kept me busy all afternoon. They are lilac and make my trailer look very feminine which is suiting since the person living here is of the female persuasion. I figure that when I sell the trailer the new owner can change the curtains to suit themselves.

I took time off to play Pokeno in the evening and it was fun as usual. It's a silly, mindless game but it's the socializing that draws us in. The most you can lose is $1.50 so the stakes aren't high. We use pennies but every drop in the pot is 5 cents. I asked once why we don't use nickles and was told that it was traditional to use pennies. That's okay because I like traditions.

Today the weather will be somewhat warmer but I'm being taken to a casino just up the road. I had no idea it was even there but apparently they have penny and nickle machines so I need to know where it is for future reference.

My curtains will be finished in the next few days and then it will be warm enough to go to the pool. Pretty nice for December!

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