Sunday, December 16, 2007

Tengo World

I chose to use Tengo wireless internet service this year in Florida and have been sorry ever since. This morning gave me one more reason to dislike it.

I awoke at 4:30 A.M. to severe thunderstorms and decided it best to stay up and watch the weather report on T.V. There is always the danger of tornadoes in the winter and we trailer dwellers are at the highest risk for damage or worse. Sure enough, there were tornado warnings and watches in effect but all just north of us.

As the storm passed us by I turned on the computer and, once again, was unable to get on the internet. My experience with wireless Tengo has been abysmal. Better than half the time I can't gain access to the internet and even loading pages is often slow or impossible. I figured it was time to phone Tengo for help.

The help I received was rude, impatient, and condescending. I can only hope that "Clifton" isn't a true representative of Tengo employees because he was unbearable. I wanted to reach through the phone and smack him upside the head.

"Clifton" led me through a few procedures but was unable to solve the problem so he's passing me on to a higher form of help. They'll phone me within 24 hours so I hope they've taken some classes in tact and plain old courtesy.

After "Clifton" and I parted company, I had nothing to lose so I tried once more to get on the internet and succeeded. Oh, the mysteries in my life! I was able to write my blog but then lost the internet connection once more. Now I'm back on and wondering how long it will last.

Only time will tell. In any case, next year I'm going to swallow my pride and go back to AOL and use the telephone line for my internet service. It can't possibly be worse than Tengo.

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