Saturday, December 15, 2007


Who ever would have thought that the day would come when we couldn't function properly without inserting passwords into machines? As a rule, the older we get the less reliable our memories are but now we have to tax our memories to the limit just to get by every day.

First thing in the morning back home I have to poke in a combination of numbers on my security system just so I can open the windows and doors without setting off a siren. Then I start up the computer which also requires a password to get into my inner sanctum. To enter Blogspot requires another set of passwords. All of this before my eyes are fully opened.

When I leave the house I have to again poke in the numbers to set the alarm system so my little house will be better protected from burglers. If I need money from the ATM there is another set of numbers I need to remember in order to get at it.

The other day I needed to ask Visa a question and they wanted to know my mother's maiden name before they'd talk to me. The telephone company wanted to know the name of my dog. You can see that my passwords are geared to my limited memory bank.

If I ever lose my memory completely I won't be able to get in my house and I won't be able to get money out of the ATM to go to a motel.


Kim said...

don't fret, your gimpy daughter will take care of you :) as long as i can remember mine!

Shelley said...

Besides, we'll remember your mom's maiden name and your pet's too! :-)

Love ya!

patsyrose said...

I knew there was a reason I had kids!!