Thursday, December 13, 2007

Wondering Why

The mother of a teenage boy who took a rifle into a mall and opened fire was interviewed on T.V. this morning.

They showed pictures of an obviously troubled and sad young that hurt just to look at them. His mother was strange. You know how some people just seem a little "off", well she was that way. I couldn't help but wonder what that young man's home life was like.

All children are at the mercy of the adults who care for them. It warms your heart when you see an innocent child being lovingly cared for by their parents or other family members. A child is nurtured by the people who raise them, or destoyed by unworthy care takers.

I look back on all the mistakes I made as a parent and am amazed at how well my children made it through those early years. Granted, there are long lasting effects hidden inside them but, on the whole, they've done extremely well.

We are all a result of our childhood experiences. Some of us are strong enough to overcome terrible odds but some fall by the wayside. The young man who expressed his anger with the world by opening fire in a mall was one of the lost ones.

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