Thursday, January 31, 2008

Gas...$2.98 gal.

It's nothing short of amazing how we adapt to the status quo. My friend, Carole, and I went to Downtown Disney tonight but first she stopped for gas. We pulled into a Hess station and saw that the price of regular gas was $2.98 per gallon.

"Hmmm", I said. "Not bad".

I can't believe I said that and meant it. Me, who remembers when gas used to cost 19 cents a gallon!!!

This winter we've watched as gas reached a high of around $3.15 per gallon before bouncing back so I guess that's why $2.98 looked good. We've also been told that gas here in the States will probably hit the $3.50 mark this summer.

It really doesn't matter what today's figures are. What remains a shock is that I've been brainwashed into accepting that it's okay to pay 3 times for gas what I paid only a few years ago.

We're nothing but sheep!

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