Saturday, January 05, 2008


How many of us have expressed an opinion and had it received in a completely different way than it was intended? I have a real love of expressing myself with the written word but I'm faced over and over again with not being able to make myself understood. At my age this probably won't be rectified any time soon but I'm going to try again, Shelley.

When I see a soldier this is what I feel...deep respect for his/her dedication and contribution to their country. I always worry very much for their safety. I also worry that the leaders of their country might put them in danger needlessly.

I've read that when military leaders send their soldiers off on a mission they know beforehand that they will suffer a certain percentage of casualties. Casualties...a soft word for dead human beings. Dead young men and women who had their whole lives ahead of them.

It's one thing for a soldier to lose his/her life in the process of protecting his/her country from invasion but it's a completely different situation if a soldier is placed in danger to protect the profits of big business. We, the people, have every right to question our leaders and demand ethical rule.

For the life of me, I can't see how that shows any disrespect for the soldiers.


Shelley said...

Oh man, I just wrote a sixteen page dissertation on generals in the military and John's computer died. Ahhh! :-)

Bottom line...every senior general has served in the military for more than thirty years. He's seen war, knows the stench...these guys aren't CEOs that get hired away from one conglomerate to another.

The President decides where they go...the Secretary of Defense ranks above the highest military officer, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The military wasn't even allowed to decide how to go into Iraq.

To paint these leaders with a brush that should be used only for the politicians who really send the soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines into danger then point a finger at the military leadership and call them "war mongers" is simply wrong.

When John chose Brian to go to Iraq, along with that decision came great responsibility and that responsibility will haunt him for the rest of his life.

We know more than one 3 star general (that's waaaay high up) who knows John by his first name (one even knows my name) and those that serve under these guys love and respect them for a good reason. I'm positive they don't just dismissively send their troops into harm's way.

The military is here to SERVE. Not to make these decisions, just to carry them out. They must act with honour (Abu Ghraib was a military screw up and the shame lay squarely on the military's shoulders) but they still have to follow the orders of the people. Otherwise it's called a "Military State" when the military decides where and when to act.

No, I'm not yelling but I am frustrated. No, not every general is loved and admired but most are. These guys have paid a price, both personally and professionally and for the most part are do our utmost respect.

Hope this makes sense and gives some kind of perspective on why I don't separate your admiration for the soldiers and your disdain for their leaders. The young ones are just earlier versions of the old. Was dad that much different as a Captain as he was a Firefighter?

Probably talking in circles now! LOL

Love ya!

patsyrose said...

Shelley, I just understood why you think I'm being disrespectful of the military. You think I meant ALL of the leaders when I was only thinking of the few bad apples.

My mistake...I should make myself clearer.

Love ya more!