Saturday, February 23, 2008

Saturday Morning Coffee

A different group of people make coffee and pick up donuts for a month every Saturday in our park. My group just finished our monthly stint. We have a good, co-ordinated group. We prepare the huge coffee urns on Friday night after Bingo and a designated person will turn them on at 7 A.M. the next morning. Another designated person will go pick up the donuts at Publix. The rest of the team will arrive at the clubhouse around 7:30 A.M. and prepare all the tables with creamer, sugar, and stir sticks plus set out the bagels and fixin's.

By 8:30 A.M. the first resident appears at the door looking for a cup of coffee and someone to talk to....donuts aren't put out till 9 A.M. When we carry the huge trays of donuts out to the table we do it quickly or take the chance of getting swamped by hungry oldsters. A word to the wise...don't get in a senior's way.

It takes about half an hour for everyone to get their fill of coffee and donuts and then they're on their way to bigger and better things. The slave group left behind cleans up and puts everything back where it belongs. We count the "donations" carefully and record it for the committee treasurer. Almost everyone has dilligently put in their $1 donation and the one's who don't are gossiped about (sorry, it's a fact of life).

And now we're finished till February of next year and another group will take our place next Saturday morning.

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