Saturday, May 03, 2008

Divided Canadians in Caledonia

I went to see a really great musical show last night and heard a comment from the audience that should have been an eye opener for any Canadian politicians within hearing distance.

One of the performers came to the front of the stage and asked if anyone was visiting from another country. One rapid fire answer was "Caledonia". The audience laughed loudly but it struck me as so sad that a very small group of people has been given the power by our own government to make us feel this way. I pity the Caledonia citizens for what they're going through and I know, even though we laughed about it last night, that most of the people there sympathize with and support the good citizens in their lonely fight against native terrorism.

You cannot have different laws for different people in the same country. The reputation and respect of the OPP and associated politicians has already been undermined to a degree where there might not ever be any going back. On the other hand, Mayor Marie Trainer has been outstanding in her efforts to stop the disruptions to her city. She alone has stood up and denounced the actions of the natives who are directly responsible for damaging public property, blocking public highways, burning tires which pollute the environment, physically attacking innocent people, lowering property values, and making a mockery of the laws that govern our country. She is a hero to the ordinary citizens of Caledonia whether they know it or not.

For the most part, the rest of us Canadians sit snugly in our little houses in nice peaceful neighborhoods but try to imagine that just down the street there were ranting and chanting characters in bandana masks tearing down telephone poles to block your access to the rest of the town. And just imagine that the police whose salaries are paid by your hard earned tax money stood by protecting only the disrupters and not you.

How long will we stand for it?

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