Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Helping Hands

My sister-in-law, Faye, is making livingroom and diningroom curtains and I'm helping her. The work is tedious and no real skill is required but everything takes time so an extra set of hands makes the whole job much easier.

We started out the project arguing which side of the fabric she should use and she was right as usual. I finally remembered that with expensive fabric the right side is usually on the inside but, in this case, either side would have worked. Faye preferred the inside and that's what we went by. That was our last difference of opinion and we sailed along for the rest of the day.

Faye and I work well together because we are able to express our differing, and sometimes strong, opinions without offending. We respect each other. I remember trying to work with my husband on one project or another and it always seemed to end up in a fight because he listened to no other opinion than his own. I guess we get our backs up when our opinions are tossed aside as immaterial.

Faye and I explain to each other why we want to do things a certain way and we listen to each other. That's the charm. In this way we worked through the day and completed one set of curtains. Today we'll make the second set and I know we'll have fun doing it.

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