Saturday, May 31, 2008

Kim Turned 50!

Could it really have been 50 years ago I gave birth to my first baby? I remember going into labor and my young husband taking me to the hospital where I was whisked away from him and settled into a room by myself. In those days they didn't allow family to stay during the birthing and I remember feeling so frightened and alone.

In due time my Kimmie made it into the world and began her long haul through a lifetime of happiness, hurts, and tragedies, just like everyone else on earth. She was a good child, a good teen and became a good woman. That's a successful life in anyone's books.

I took Kim out for dinner last night to our favorite pasta restaurant and then we met up with my other daughter, Cindy, and went to the casino. Hours later, and lots of dollars broker, we made our way home. I know reaching the age of 50 is traumatic but it's also a milestone that too many don't reach. Or, if they do reach it, have no-one to commiserate with.

Kim took a lot of jokes yesterday, the worst being her sister telling her that they have special rewards for seniors at the casino. I can't print Kim's response.

Anyway, I hope she gets to enjoy the next 50 years and appreciate her good fortune in still being around and still having fun.

1 comment:

Kim said...

I still don't like it. I will never tick the box 50-65 and I will never apply for GreyPower! Still I consider myself loved, a lot. Thanks for making my day special.