Tuesday, May 06, 2008

My Great Grandson, Spencer the Dog

I'm babysitting my great grandson, Spencer. He's the only one I have and he happens to be a mixed breed dachsund. He's a cute little guy and very meek so he's been barking all night at the odd noises he hears from my attic. I can tell you I didn't sleep well but that's okay because he's in a strange place and trying to keep us safe.

For some reason I've always called this dog "Nelson". Neither name is suitable for a dog but "Nelson" seems to suit him better. He answers to anything, anyway.

His parents, my grandson and his wife, took a little holiday and that's why I have him. Apparently they allow him on the furniture so Spencer and I have had a few little talks about how his great Gramma doesn't allow that. He's so darned smart and seems to have caught on right away.

Don, the handyman, came this morning to saw through the small bedroom wall in search of errant squirrels so I've had to keep SpencerNelson in his wire cage. He's really good and doesn't seem to mind it at all. I have this vision of squirrels tearassing around the house with both Don and Spencer in pursuit and that's why I put poor old Spencer in the cage. Don will have to fend for himself.


Kim said...

Too bad you didn't attach a picture of my GrandDog. Give Spencer a kiss for me.

patsyrose said...

I know his head is a tiny bit big for his body but I adore him. He's such a gentle little dog. Unlike the wild little girl puppies you have!!