Sunday, June 08, 2008

Busy Weekend

This has been a busy amd interesting weekend. On Friday I went with some relatives and relatives-in-law to St. Mary's and we managed to have a lovely time despite the heat which has suddenly descended upon us. On Saturday I went on the Paris Garden Tour with my sister-in-law and ex-sister-in-law and we had a great time despite the horrible heat. Today was a family birthday party for my oldest grandson and we had a terrific time despite the fact my daughter doesn't have central air and the temperatures were still up in the 90's.

I've always known that fun is where you choose to find it. If you allow yourself to feel lousy because every little thing isn't perfect then you lose the opportunity to enjoy yourself. The heat was a downer but the company more than made up for it and that's why we still had fun.

My youngest daughter had Lasik eye surgery yesterday and her eyesight has improved almost instantly and drastically. Personally, I'm scared to death to have anyone cutting my eyes so I'll never get it done but I'm glad she went through it with no complications. Strangely, she paid in U.S. dollars because she's an American now and was given a $400 reduction in price. Someone there doesn't seem to know that our Canadian dollar is now worth slightly more than the U.S. Hmmm!

All in all, it was a very nice weekend, thank you very much!

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