Monday, June 09, 2008

Fallen Canopy

We had quite a thunderstorm early last evening and it, along with the strong winds we've been getting, brought down my nice canopy of branches so that they blocked the patio door. I noticed the branches were dragging down the cable line and it worried me it would break and I'd lose T.V., computer, and telephone all at the same time. Yikes!

It was much too hot out to do any yard work but worrying about the cable line finally drove me to head out to the shed for the extension branch cutter. I love trimming back branches with this thing but it was kind of difficult to manage because of the high winds. I could just see me losing my grip on it and having it slam through a window.

It was amazing how the tree branches had bent severely but not broken. I cut them back as well as I could because they became too thick as they got closer to the tree trunk. My handyman is going to cut all the tree branches back from the house this fall in an attempt to keep the squirrels away. My trimmings today were only as far as I could reach so the trees still need a lot of pruning.

Today is our last day of unseasonably hot weather for a while. It looks as though we'll have excellent warm weather for another week at least and that means I get to enjoy my yard. Sometimes I wonder if all the work is worth it but it really is. I know I can't do it all but I'm very proud of how much I actually have done.

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