Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Losing Weight

Mary, Faye and I are going on a cruise this coming January and Mary said we have to lose weight (she and I...mainly I). I like to blame Florida and all the restaurant meals I eat there for my weight problem but now I'm back home and I think I've gained some more weight.

I've allowed myself to go back to fries and potato chips after being off them for about a year. Then I developed a sweet tooth and stocked some butter tarts in the house. All of this and not restaurant meals is the reason for my weight gain.

Now today is the first day of the rest of my life and my aim is to stop eating fries and potato chips. Desserts are not a problem as long as I don't bring them home. Faye and I are going out for lunch today so I will be good and eat healthy.

Mary phoned about our lunch date tomorrow and we'd originally planned on going to our favorite Chinese buffet but we decided to go to a local restaurant for salads. Mary is diabetic and only a tad overweight but she needs to eat healthy to control her blood sugar. I think having her support will help me make better choices.

Since I eat so many restaurant meals I know there are always good choices available and it's time I developed a little self control. I'll keep you posted on my success rate.

Note: My darned lunch came with fries (I honestly didn't know beforehand) so I had a few but left almost all of them. I'm not perfect. I'll pay more attention to my restaurant orders from now on.


Kim said...

I'm in your corner...

patsyrose said...

Thank you, my darlin'. I don't want to be a skinny minny, just comfortable.