Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Canada Day 2008

We celebrate Canada Day on July 1st to remind us all what a great country we live in. I've always thanked my lucky stars that my ancestors made the perilous trek from Ireland (on my mother's side) and wherever (on my father's side) to try their fortunes in Canada.

I love Canada. There's no other way to say it. I think we live in the most wonderful country in the world...flawed, but wonderful just the same. I know there's crime around me but I still feel a sense of safety while I go about my business. I'm probably less likely to face danger in Canada than in most other countries. I'm also less likely to face bankruptcy if I get sick.

Canada is composed of more diverse nationalities, religions, and cultures than I can count. The newcomers enrich Canada for the rest of us. We will surely blend in time and that will help eliminate the prejudice and wars around the world based on "difference".

I watched one of my favorite comedians on T.V. last night...Russell Peters. He's a Canadian of Indian heritage who pokes kindly fun at the eccentricities of all nationalities and religions. He said that, in time, everyone will be beige and I believe that's true. That will be the end of prejudice caused by a person's skin color and that can't come too soon.

Canadians are pretty well respected around the world for our pacifism. That's not a dirty word, you know. It wouldn't hurt the rest of the world to live and let live, would it?

Right now there's a family barbecue and party going on in the yard behind mine and they have a terrific group of musicians playing country music (my favorite). Moments ago the whole gang played and sang "Oh Canada" and, as always, it made me so emotional I cried.

Anyway, I love Canada and am forever grateful to call it home.

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