Saturday, August 09, 2008

I'm Bored

All it took was the loss of my car for a couple of days and I'm like a fish out of water. Granted, there's a lot of housework that could be done while I'm housebound but that's not fun. The truth is that I like the idea of my car sitting outside just waiting for wanderlust to hit me. Then I could drop whatever I was doing, grab my purse and car keys and head out the door.

Now I'm stuck until some time tomorrow morning when my little treasure will be released to me, freshly painted. I even conned my daughter into taking me out for dinner tonight just so I can get out of the house. If I wasn't so lazy I could go for a nice long walk because, even though rain is in the forecast again, right now it's warm and dry out.

I think my antsy feeling is a combination of not having my car available and the ever present threat of rain we've had all spring and summer. I'm one of those people who needs lots of sunshine to keep myself even spirited.

Waking up to a dreary, drizzly day makes me want to go back to bed but a sunshiny day gives me energy so it's on gorgeous, sunny days that I get the most work done. This never made any sense to me because crappy days should be utilized for getting odd jobs cleared away. But that's the way it is, like it or not.

Well, my daughter just phoned me and I told her my sad, sad story so she's offered to take me to the casino. My misery is corrupting both of us.

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