Thursday, August 07, 2008


We've had so much rain this summer that I check the weather station regularly to see when I can cut the lawn. The lawn would still have looked good for another couple of days but the forecast was for rain every day for the next week so, at 7:30 last night I decided I had to pull out the lawn mower.

It usually takes me about an hour to cut both front and back lawns because I have a unique way of doing it. I push the lawn mower forward, back, and forward again before moving on. I really think I have a need to do this because the lawnmower blades haven't been sharpened in at least 4 years now, and that's only if my husband did it the summer before he passed away.

I know the blades need sharpening and I know where to take them but I can't lift that mower into the trunk of my car by myself. There are any number of willing helpers to do it for me but the only time I think of it is when I'm cutting the grass. It's my own fault if one day I have to cut the grass with a pair of scissors.

In any case, it was almost dark by the time I got the grass cut last night and then I had to roll up the extension cord and hang it in the tool shed. It was very dark in the shed, there was a huge unidentifiable spider hanging near the door, and I missed the nail. The cord was left laying partly on the floor until daylight...dry daylight.

I'm thinking that might be one day a week down the line.

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