Saturday, August 23, 2008

Who Pays the OPP?

Natives are demonstrating, picketing, and causing destruction all over Canada but my main concern is with what's happening here in Ontario.

By their own admission, natives have only a 30% employment rate and I doubt the working few pay any income tax because I believe they are legally exempted from doing that. On the other hand, the rest of us continue to build up this country with about a 90%+ employment rate and you can bet your doodads that we are charged a hefty income tax on our earnings.

From these monies is paid a substantial amount to the OPP (Ontario Provincial Police) who have been hired by us, the tax payers of Ontario, to keep us safe and protect our interests. Or so it should be.

In truth we're wasting our tax money because the OPP have chosen to protect the natives instead. What we need is a class action suit filed by the tax paying public against the OPP to collect wages which were paid for work not done. Where's a go-for-the-groin lawyer when you need one!

As a tax payer I want to be able to drive along a publicly funded provincial highway and know that individuals who set fire to it, block it, or toss rocks on it will be severely punished by law. I don't care what their race or color is, if they commit a crime I want them to pay for it. Why aren't my rights upheld?

My great-grandfather lost his business and property during the depression when someone with more money and power bought it up for a song. I drive past the buildings quite often and wonder how quickly I'd be arrested if I laid a claim against the property, barricaded it, staged a sit-in, and demanded it be handed back to me. What's the difference between that and today's natives trying to retrieve property sold by their ancestors not just 80 years ago but 200 years ago?

The logic honestly escapes me.


Shelley said...

Hear Hear! You are absolutely right!

Kim said...

where do i sign?

angiejoy said...
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angiejoy said...

Isn't it the truth!! I'm baffled at the way O.P.P. have handled native uprisings here in Ontario. I realize that the killing of Dudley George is still a sensitive wound on the arm of the gov't and police but it doesn't mean they should turn a blind eye to the destruction being caused by criminals in our province, regardless of race or religion.