Saturday, August 23, 2008

Did I Mention I Have Mice?

This has been one hell of a summer. First I was plagued with squirrels living in my attic for the first time ever and had to deal with removing them. Then, as the summer was drawing to an end I discovered shredded toilet paper under the bathroom sink. Oh, oh!

There hasn't been a mouse in my house in over 20 years when a couple got in while the central air conditioner was being installed. My husband caught them and there has been nary a sign of a mouse in all these years...until this month.

I searched under cupboards and drawers and found a few tiny more clues (mouse poop) but then hit the mother lode in the bottom drawer of the bathroom cabinet. Mice had completely shredded 2 bars of soap and pooped all over the drawer. Now I was in a panic because I had to do something to get rid of them but I didn't want to see them.

My sister had a mouse problem a few years ago and used some poison from the States so that's what I purchased. She promised me they'd consume it and disappear and I'm holding her to her promise because I'm not sure I can handle a dead mouse.

I mentioned my new house guests to my neighbors and told them (the men) they'd be called on to dispose of any dead critter that showed up in my house. They're good neighbors and nodded their heads yes even while trying to stifle their laughter.

I've put enough D-Con under cabinets and behind shelving to kill every mouse in the neighborhood so I'll hopefully never have to deal with this again. How the mice got in this time isn't known for sure but my guess is they came in last year when the workmen were here and had the back door propped open while they brought things in and out. I've always worried about that because I've spotted the odd mouse out in the yard.

I'm too old and finicky for this garbage so if my critter problems aren't settled soon I'm going to have to hire another critter remover.

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