Saturday, September 13, 2008

Through My Eyes

It seems I've always adored the look and feel of baby skin but lately I've taken to noticing the beautiful skin on young girls. They have no idea, as I did at the same age, how lovely they are and I hate to see them cover up that lovely young skin with makeup.

I remember how insecure I was at that age with my weight (I thought I was too skinny) and my looks (I felt I had too many faults to count). I harshly judged myself because that's what young girls do. After all, who are our role models? We think we have to look like movie stars and if we don't measure up then there must be something wrong with us.

Vanity is a strange thing. We can never look as good as we want because there will always be someone who looks better. If we could train our minds at an early age to focus on our strengths instead of our faults, it would make life so much easier for us. I don't know how the mind of a young man works but I do know that females are always aware of their appearance.

Young ladies...if you are neat and clean then you look adorable.

Middle age is difficult for women because looks do fade with time. It's inevitable. That's when the makeup comes out in earnest, trying to hide the tiny lines and greying hair. Most women will age gracefully, adjusting with the years and gaining confidence with maturity. Some will hang on to their youth with tenacity until they become ridiculous. Only the young can truly look young.

Old age usually brings a sense of having seen it all and being comfortable in our skin. We've lost the battle for youth but won the bigger prize of wisdom. It's at this stage that we can honestly admire the beauty of youth and appreciate it for what it is...a fleeting but most wonderful time of life.

Young are all beautiful and a joy to the eyes just as you are.

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