Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Beggars in Canada

I went to the local grocery store this morning and came across an old foreign lady, head bandana in place and carrying a sign which begged good hearted (dumb) people to contribute to her much needed eye surgery. This woman must have forgotten she was living in Canada. None of us pay out of pocket for medical care.

It really makes me angry that a person immigrates into this country only to take up the occupation of beggar. I mentioned this lady to the cashier and was told she'd been there all day. When chased away she'd leave for a few minutes and then return to her spot right in front of the grocery carts. It must have been a lucrative location for her and it would be interesting to know how much money she takes in each day. All of it out of the pockets of hard working people whose taxes would also pay for the woman's "eye surgery". It's criminal.

No-one needs to beg in Canada...not for food, shelter, medication, or even eye surgery.

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