Monday, October 13, 2008

Kimmie's Home

I've mentioned many times how blessed I've been with my in-laws and today was no exception. My sister-in-law, Faye, drove to Buffalo with me to pick up my daughter at the airport. She has a million things to do in her personal life but she was willing to drop whatever else needed doing so that I wouldn't have to drive to the airport alone. She's also well aware of my poor sense of direction and knew I was slightly hesitant about going alone.

It is so comforting to have friends or relatives that look out for your safety and well being. How cold the world must seem to someone who has no-one in their lives taking care of them. I'm fairly independant but probably never will be completely self sufficient because I have too many doubts about my abilities. I don't need a baby sitter but I'm ever so grateful for loving family and friends.

As Faye and I waited at the airport for Kim, we sat just inside the restaurant and did some people watching. We were in awe of a few elderly people doing rather heavy labor there and thought how fortunate we were that we lived in Canada and didn't have to work to afford prescription drugs. Quite a few Americans have told us that the only reason they continue to work into their 70's and even 80's is because their medications aren't fully covered by Medicare and their pensions can only be spread so far.

Kim finally arrived, tired from her travelling but anxious to get home to her puppies, Yip & Yap (really Bailey and Baker but Yip and Yap suits them better). Believe me, I was just as anxious to hand the little darlin's back to her. They were good company but just too yappy when let outside and I hope my neighbors can learn to forgive me. This was a holiday weekend but Yip and Yap were let out each morning around 6 A.M. They could have been heard for miles. Sorry!

Now everything is right in their world and mine. They're home with their Mommy and I (and my neighbors) have peace and quiet. But I do sort of miss them, darn it!

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