Monday, January 26, 2009

Faye's Senior Moment

This is a true story about one of Faye's senior moments.

Either last winter or the winter before Faye was in my trailer ironing some clothes. She was doing this because her rental wasn't equipped with a regular sized ironing board.

I was away for a few days and, since I always lock the trailer door when I'm away overnight, my neighbor spotted the unlocked front door and thought I'd just forgotten to lock it. So he did, not realizing that Faye was inside. She heard a little noise but thought nothing of it.

When she finished her ironing and tried to leave she couldn't get out. My front door has a weird sort of lock on the outside that can't be unlocked from inside. Faye panicked and phoned Ron who lives across the road. Faye had a key with her and thought she could pass it out to Ron somehow.

Ron came right over, assessed the situation, and asked her if she'd tried the back door. She zipped to the back door of the trailer, opened it, and handed her key to Ron so he could let her out the front door.

Senior moment? I think so.


bluebird of paradise said...

How funny!~ That Faye she was always the smart one in the family.
ps do you still use the old email (dennis's)? I just emailed you something.

Shelley said...

So this is what I have to look forward to...LOL

patsyrose said...

"Senior Moments" start to creep into our lives some time around the age of 50. From then on it only gets worse (and funnier).

Kim said...


Shelley said...

Obviously we have QUITE awhile before we have to worry about it, huh Kim??? Oh, wait... ;-)~

Kim said...

I this wasn't Mom's blog I would swear at you....