Friday, January 16, 2009


I'm a good packer, benefits from spending years of vacations on a little sailboat, and packing for this upcoming cruise is no exception. I started packing a few days ago and know there are more clothes in that suitcase than I need but there's also plenty of why not pack a few more??

I did laundry today and we're going to do a bit of house cleaning but it's a free day until about 3:30 when we'll hike on up to a local restaurant for a fish and chip dinner. I've organized a small (maybe) group to accompany us so dinner will be lively. Most of us hardy souls will play Bingo tonight, too.

We have to have our luggage at the bus before 9 A.M. and the bus leaves at 9:15, leaving any stragglers behind. We'll play a miniature version of Bingo on the way over to the ship. It's going to be pretty cool tomorrow but we'll be far enough south by Sunday to enjoy hot weather again.

Thank heavens I got my vacation money out of the ATM the day our dollar revived momentarily but I'm not being too frugal this trip. It's almost certainly my last cruise, it's Mary and Faye's first, and life is tenuous. I just might not pass this way again but I'm going to enjoy every day I can.

These are my "moments" and I'm forever thankful for every good one I get.

1 comment:

Kim said...

Stop talking like it's your last trip! You wll have many, many times to have many, many "moments". That does't mean you shouldn't enjoy each and every one! I'm sorry I didn't get hold of you before you left. Hope you have an awesome time.