Thursday, January 08, 2009

Porn Industry Needs Bail Out Money

I saw this listed as one of the topics on a news show but never watched it. But it did catch my interest. I really don't want to know that public tax dollars could ever be spent helping out an ailing porn industry but think about it.

Aging or ugly hookers, making less money than they did a year ago could apply for aid. Porno movie makers, selling fewer nasty movies because porn lovers prefer to spend what little money they have left during the recession on food and shelter, could ask for a few billion dollars to keep them afloat. Drug dealers, losing their clientele due to the troubled economy, might band together and claim bail out money so they can continue to serve their customers at a reduced cost for their product.

Of course I'm joking...but don't be surprised if something like this really does occur. If government used our tax dollars in an efficient and fair way, we'd all be living in a utopia.

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