Monday, February 16, 2009

Another Dumb Decision

I can't see to drive in the dark because I see haloes around oncoming headlights. This is a basic truth about me. Another truth about me is that I hate to leave the slot machine when I still have money to lose.

It was kind of cool out today (just the wind, really) and I had a whole day ahead of me after 11 A.M. when I could get a few things taken care a pedicure, fill the car with gas, get the car washed and waxed, and then go to the local internet casino. I got there about 1 P.M. and didn't leave until 7 P.M. I still had some money left but I know that Sheila (who was playing Pokeno and must have seen my car gone when she went past my trailer at 6 P.M.) would have a fit if she didn't see my car when she left Pokeno around 8 P.M. She knows I don't go out at night and she also knows I can't see to drive in the dark.

Anyway, I left the casino at 7 P.M. and started my approximately 20 minute drive home...first on a major highway and then on 2 small ones. I couldn't see at all well and I was kicking myself for being so foolish. It was a scary ride home and I only hope I've learned my lesson.

Getting older doesn't necessarily mean getting wiser. That's another sad truth.

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