Sunday, February 15, 2009

Yard Salers Beware

Veteran yard salers have usually seen it all in their travels. I've seen little children screeching while they tried to hold on to a suddenly treasured toy that their parents decided should go out in the yard sale. I've seen a shoplifter at a yard sale. I've had things snatched out of my hands and I've raved too much about a certain item before paying for it and accidently persuaded the seller to keep it. I've also nearly walked up to a house that I thought was having a yard sale but it was just a messy house.

Yesterday one of the ladies here came over to the pool to tell us about an interesting yard sale that she'd been to and it was also going to be held on Sunday. The entire contents of the house were being sold and everything was inside. A few of us ladies in the pool were very interested and asked directions to this great sale. One of us didn't listen carefully.

Ginnie and Al headed out for the yard sale today mainly following the directions but sort of lapsed in their judgement once they arrived on the street where it was held. They saw a man in front of a rather full garage and assumed this was the garage sale. They looked around the garage and found nothing to their liking so they went inside the house where they'd been told were rooms full of antiques and glassware.

Finding nothing but a messy house, they continued on to the bedroom which they'd also been told was filled with lovely items for sale. Inside the bedroom was a lady sleeping in her bed. About this time Ginnie began to think they might be in the wrong house...and they were. I don't know how they made their exit because I was laughing too hard when she told us the story.

The moral of this story is to listen carefully for directions, follow signs, and don't enter anyone's house without asking first if it's okay.

I wonder what the man of the house thought as these strangers walked into his house...and why didn't he stop them? And did the woman awaken and see the two strangers staring at her as she lay in her bed? I need to hear more of this story when I can control my giggling.

Postscript: It turns out there was a yard sale sign at this house but it was only for the things in the garage. When Ginnie and Al made their hasty, and embarrassed, retreat from the man's house, he only said goodbye to them so we have no idea what he was thinking.

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