Friday, February 06, 2009


Life is full of changes and twists and turns. Some of the changes come as a welcome surprise but others are dreaded because we hate to lose the comfort of certainty.

One of the strange twists of fate I've run into is the faint possibility that I've found a long lost sister. She was adopted out at birth when I was just a couple of years old. A few years ago I was shown a picture of a lady who looked very much like me and who lived not far from my home in Canada. This lady had been a resident of my Florida park just before I came here and she appeared to be a few years younger than me.

I've thought about her a lot, wondering if she was my sister, but felt I couldn't approach the people here who knew her for information. Since we have a yearly park reunion in the summer I'd hoped she might attend some time but that hasn't happened.

This year a new lady came into the park and we've just started becoming friendly. The other day I asked her what brought her to this particular park and she said that her aunt recommended it. Lo, and behold, the aunt is the lady I think could be my sister! I wasn't able to ask questions at the time because other people were there but I plan to find out a few pertinent things before I ask the big one...could she be my sister? Because of the circumstances, my lost sister might not even know she was adopted so this will be a touchy subject to discuss.

I've been moaning and groaning about the fact that some of the people I really like in the park might not make it back next year and now I have the exciting prospect of a new friend who might be related to a lost relative. Yes, life is full of changes but sometimes miracles happen and the change brings great happiness.

It was a momentous change in my life when we took the chance to buy our Florida trailer and that has brought some of the happiest moments I've ever known. It was a gargantuan change in my life when my husband passed away but I learned from it how much more capable I am than I'd known. It goes without saying that having children and grandchildren are among the biggest changes in your life you'll ever experience but they are also gut wrenchingly joyful changes.

This summer there will be a huge change in my world because my eldest grandson and his wife are expecting their first baby...Kim's first grandchild and my first great grandchild. We are all ecstatic! I only hope that someone is pulling my chain by saying, if it's a boy, the name will be "Achmed". But, if it's true, I'll call the little darlin' "Meddy". See, making the best of a tough situation.

Like everything in life, change is what you make of it. Take the good with the bad and make the most of the good.


Kim said...

Mom! his name will not be Achmed. We called him that because the ultra sound picture makes him look like Achmed the dead know, Jeff Dunham's vantriloquist puppet! They are actually leaning toward Benjamin or Wesley.

patsyrose said...

My prayers have been answered!!!!