Thursday, February 19, 2009

It's a Boy!!!

My precious first born grandson and his wife are going to have a baby boy. I am so thrilled for them and for our families that I can hardly express myself. I spoke to Nick tonight and told him that he and Natasha have no real idea of how the love you feel for your very own child is so all-consuming. There is nothing comparable.

This is the first grandchild on both sides of their families and it's my first great grandchild. It sort of makes me feel old but, at the same time, I can't wait to see this little treasure who carries some of my DNA.

I told Nick that I'm going shopping for baby boy stuff tomorrow. I've held off buying much for the baby because I wanted to know the sex first. Now I can do some major league shopping!

Already I've worried about how I'll be able to leave this little guy when I return to Florida in October and he's 3 months old and becoming really interesting. I'll miss those glorious months of 4-9. I'll miss his first words, his sitting up by himself, his ability to crawl and maybe even stand alone. Sigh!

One thing I do know and that is that this tiny creature is being born into the most loving family in the world. He's one lucky little boy and I love him already.

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