Monday, March 02, 2009

Cold Coffee Morning in Florida

I can't believe the Florida weather this winter. It's been up and down like a toilet seat and even the first of March hasn't been predictable. A horribly cold northern wind brought us temperatures so low last night I had to turn the furnace on. The problem is that my propane tank is now empty and won't be filled until tomorrow. I have a little ceramic heater which helps while I'm awake but I don't leave it on all night. Tomorrow morning is going to be a rough one for climbing out of my nice warm bed.

I've been forcing my poor Monday morning coffee group to bundle up and sit outside on the patio through some very cool mornings but I couldn't do that to them today. I cleaned the lawn chairs off and carted them inside. If everyone showed up we were going to be sitting on each other's laps but so be it. As it turned out, only 10 ladies came over and we were very comfortable. I told them how proud I was of them for taking the chance we'd be freezing outside on the patio. Having them make the effort to come this morning reinforced my belief that we all enjoy these get-togethers a lot.

Gail, who didn't make it this morning because she and her husband went to the internet casino instead, came over after lunch so I could help her with her Swedish weaving. She also brought a bag full of creamers she'd taken from Burger King. I've encouraged my Monday morning coffee ladies to avail themselves of a few extra coffee creamers whenever and wherever they can and bring them on Mondays. Do you suppose this is a crime??

Tonight is Pokeno night and I think I'll go for a change. I probably haven't been for over a month because I like to have one night a week to do absolutely nothing at all except play on the computer and watch a little T.V. It's going to cost me $1.50 in pennies but I'll be with good friends and have a lot of fun. Soon I'll be back home for the summer and have every night to vegetate so why do it now?


Kim said...

tonight (6:00pm) is is currently -11C. Not sure I feel bad for your coffee group.
But..I love you

patsyrose said...

I love you more! Wish you were here, darlin'.


Kim said...

enjoy the peace and quiet down there, there is plenty of drama here. Nothing horrible but ENDLESS!!!!!!!!

Shelley said...

No worries Kimmy - Mom will surely be spending many long yet warm nights in a Florida jail for creamer theft!! :-D