Friday, March 06, 2009

Laughter at Rummoli

I truly think that if all senior citizens had the opportunity to spend the winters in sunny Florida at a campground with a clubhouse where there were lots of activities they would live longer and healthier lives.

Last night our little group of 8 met at usual in the clubhouse at 7 P.M. We rolled out one of the round tables to use because that's the most comfortable for us. There are quite a few already set up but they were in use by the large group of people who play Bid Euchre.

At some point in the game we all forgot who had dealt last (this is a common problem with our other games but never with Rummoli). We almost had one of the ladies convinced she'd lost her memory but we were all so confused (who had sold the spare hand?, who had the person who bought it paid their money to?) about what had transpired just a few short minutes previous that we never did know for sure.

This produced such a clatter and laughter from our single table in that clubhouse that I'm sure the other people there couldn't hear themselves think. We usually forget that we're not alone and often get just a tad noisy. I wish I had a tape of the yakking and laughing around that table as we tried in vain to figure it all out.

It must have taken us 5 minutes of "rolling in our seats" laughter to get the game going again and we all agreed that you couldn't have this much fun anywhere else in the world. I think we all added a few years to our lifespan last night.

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