Saturday, March 21, 2009

Yard Saleing

I'm really having a problem with my sleep pattern. Last night, or should I say this morning, I woke up at 1:30 A.M. and couldn't get back to sleep. It makes me nervous to take Tylenol P.M. too often but I'm taking it again tonight. My days are too full and busy to try to get by on just 3 hours sleep.

Joann and I left for a morning of yard saleing at 7:30 A.M. and hit pay dirt at our first stop. Get ready, Kim, because I got a Mickey Mouse tuxedo for baby boo!! We had a lot of fun, as usual, stalking the various yard sales and we both came home with quite a few goodies. I was very careful to keep my purchases to a minimum but Joann got a bit carried away and now her husband is mad at her. He can't understand why she'd buy 2 golf bags full of clubs when she doesn't play golf. Silly man. I'm sure she has reasonable and profitable plans for them.

Sheila, Agnes, Gail, and Vicky stopped by when we got home and we spent a while sitting on the patio and gabbing. We do it well. Sheila and I went out for dinner (I had a 2 for 1 coupon from Ruby Tuesday) and then a gang of us went over to the clubhouse in the evening to play Rummoli. We had 1 too many people so Sheila and Joann played Rummicubes.

An interesting note: a few people mentioned how noisy we were but they weren't least I hope they weren't. I'm sure some of them think we're drinking booze at our table but we never do (at games). We're just naturally enjoying each other's company and having fun. Rummoli is not a staid and serious game like Bridge.

We straggled home at our witching hour of 9 P.M. and I immediately came in and took a Tylenol P.M. I have to be up at 7:30 A.M. tomorrow morning because a bunch of us are going out for our regular Sunday breakfast and if I don't get a decent sleep tonight it might make me sick. I'm not sure why my sleep is so badly disturbed but this is the worse patch of insomnia I've had since I got here in the fall.

Wish me a good night.


Valerie-in-mid-life said...

Hi Auntie
Sorry to hear that you aren't sleeping well. I've had insomnia for several years now. Here's what works for me:
As soon as I know I'm not getting back to sleep, I throw my pillow to the other end of the bed, lay down at that end, and by the time I get settled in, I can usually fall back to sleep.
I've just started a natural health food remedy called "all Calm". Rob's aunt has had had great success with it.
Love your stories
Good luck (and good sleep)

patsyrose said...

I think I'll stick with Tylenol P.M. until I get home and then see my doctor about other solutions. Thanks for the info and thanks for liking my stories.
