Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Make of It What You Will

I spent most of my life being badly treated and I vowed a few years ago I'd never allow it to happen again but it seems I've been overlooking some things lately that I shouldn't. It's always been easier for me to ignore abuse (especially mild abuse) or to walk away and stay away than it was for me to confront the person responsible. It's very hard to stay away from people you care about but sometimes you have to do it for your own survival. Once you've let them know how you feel and their behaviour doesn't change then it's time to keep your distance.

Sometimes insensitive people don't realize how hurtful they can be, or else they don't much care, but people like that shouldn't be surprised when their company is avoided. I always wonder why they believe their actions are in any way acceptable.

I've gotten a little spoiled by friends I've made over the years who treat me very well, better than I've ever known, so maybe I'm more sensitive these days to anyone who doesn't treat me decently. At first I was overwhelmed by kind and caring attention but then I sort of got used to it...and now I expect it.

There's an old saying, "Treat people the way you'd like to be treated". Wouldn't it be nice if we all followed that ideal?

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