Wednesday, May 13, 2009

20C Isn't Warm Enough!

I'm so spoiled. This is a gorgeous sunny day, 20C (approx. 70F), but the wind is brisk and a little too cool for me to do my outdoor lounging as I'd planned. It would be a terrific day to do actual work out in the yard but I'm not working today.

Some of the silver earrings I've bought for resale came today and they're so pretty I may just keep a set for myself. I've been sticking mainly to selling necklaces and pendants but thought it a good idea to have a few pair of earrings on hand, too. My daughter is dropping by after work to give me her opinion before I place another order. I'm terribly impetuous so it's best to have a second opinion before I jump headlong into spending more money.

It's still a lazy day for me even if it's going to be spent indoors. There are lots of odd jobs that I could rouse myself to attend to but I'm going to remain firm and just relax. My poor old body ached yesterday from lugging heavy boxes and it told me in no uncertain terms that it wasn't up to working hard today.

I was speaking to a friend this morning and she said I'd be bored with nothing to do if I lived in an apartment but that's not so. I just have trouble fitting in a bit of housework in my day because I always have so many other projects on the go. It wouldn't be any different in an apartment except there'd be less housework getting in the way of things I'd prefer to do. I'd much rather play at my projects than dust and clean.

Speaking of which, I think I'll stop playing on the computer and go play with my Swedish weaving. Life is good!

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